Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cross roads of life

Cross Roads. A place where each one of us reaches, at some point in life. A time to take decisions. For me during graduation i used to go with the wind, there were times when this girl used to guide me. My career choices used to be a bit too much influenced by the people around me. Looking back I feel so stupid :)
After my graduation i did three different jobs before I grew some balls to make the right decision and take that important leap. I was staying with friends who had a electric superbike group. Obviously I took the easiest way out by joining them and it took me 6 months to realize it was not my dream. I raised too many issues that they could not answer. I raised logical questions and when my questions were not answered, I left.

Then I was with a different group of friends, one of them were starting a business and again moving with the flow, I joined him. Three months later inspite of him offering me a partnership I knew this was not my thing, so I quit.

For the first time in my life I took a decision which my parents supported. I found a job in a big company! There I had thought I had found my lost sense of direction. But it did not take me long to realize I was wrong again. But being in a big and reputed company taught me so many things which I could relate to the real world. It was not theorotical like in college but I gained a lot of practical knowledge. Then I knew where my interest lied. But for doing the things I liked I needed to change the department or find a new job or specialize in that field. Also it would help me in my struggle to find the right path.

With so many thoughts looming in my head, I decided to give in my resignation and pursue my masters. Now I know more clearly where I will end up but this doesnt mean the path is cleared up, but just that the darkness has gone and someone has put some dim lights in the way. There is a lot to do ahead, every step now will be important cause once I choose my field and career I have very less tries left to continue experimenting with my life.

Decisions. They are so important. The choices you make could be the story of your life! How are your decisions made? By you ? By your parents ? By your friends ?
My decisions like I said used to be affected by my friends' opinion massively before I figured what my passion was. Nay, it was no divine intervention. It was just my inner self. I used to ask people and then take decisions. Still I do that sometimes, but have you listened to that voice inside which is always shouting out loud to be heard by you? Like your doing something bad and the voice won't go off till you stop doing that!

We always don't know what's the right thing to do. We do need some goods friends who will say sorry mate what you are doing is wrong. But in the end we ourselves have to make decisions. And when you start completely ignoring your friends and parents opinions you are on your own. And maybe when you wanna go back and desperately need advice they wont be there. Keep your friends closer,but choose who you keep closest. Some people just have fake masks put on. They will be very good to you but when they get the chance they wont even think twice to put that dagger in your back. Yeah be good to everyone in this world and the world will walk all over you leaving boot marks on your face and the lingering taste of dirt is all you will have.

I said before be what you are. Dont be what the world wants you to be cause they will keep changing their mind will you change every time. Ofcourse don't be too stubborn to change yourself a little here and there. You cant be a bastard and stubborn and still just think that everyone will like u.
Be good to good and bad to bad.cheers to that :)

life continues

The number of vivid characters you encounter in today's world is amazing.

Many times people are jolly which leads to a happy feeling and a chirpy mood. But then the negative vibes from some others are so strong that it makes you feel that sadness has clogged their hearts.

Some people are outgoing. They like to be with people,have lots of friends around them, hang out and make most out of their life. But some are so engrossed in their own virtual world that they dont even seem to know what happens around them.I am going to talk about such people now. And I am happy that I am not among these ones.But strangely they might think they are happy not being amongst people who have a social life!

In UK and India I met quite a few people like this. They are people who will be perpetually absorbed in playing games, using IMs and social networking sites( I am partly like this).

I dont know, how we can survive in a virtual world where we meet people in games and chat room and we will most probably never ever see in real life. They are also sometimes so famous, which i came to know from a gamer whom people come to meet from different parts of India! And not to mention his Yahoo messenger friend, Facebook buddy and so on. His list of these 'virtual' friends categorized by the type of communication used is quite commendable.

Lets take the case of girls who prefer to be sad and lonely.They are so afraid that someone will destroy their precious life that they bundle themselves into a corner and rot there.They need people to show them the light outside the 'room'. But only if they ever get out from that secluded world will they know that there are infinite things to do and see. Meeting new people and making friends helps to gain knowledge and understanding about different cultures and their way of thinking. One such good friend I know makes friends easily by showing a genuine interest in knowing a new culture and their ways. He can converse with them about their education system, cricket games, football leagues, politics, etc. in volumes. And the fact that he asks many questions is proof to make out that he really listens. what does he really get from that? Don't really know but this I feel is the main objective of knowing more people.

How many friends do u have? How many out of them do you really know properly? How many do really know you properly? How many will stand behind you and support in your worst and best times? As i raise the questions the list goes down dwindling.

Some days you are just standing in the balcony of your house in the night and staring into the oblivion looking for some sort of inspiration.I am like that right now, having a smoke and drinking tea and thinking about what am I doing in life and where it's taking me and all kinds of shit. Well at that i dont know why but always a smile creeps up on my face, telling me i am doing alright cause there are worse than me. And so on life continues....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


i tried to write then i started writing about my life how i did this n that.what i really i wanted is to describe life and people that are involved in it.The choices they make,the pain,happiness,sufferings,sadness they go through around you.And also most important how it affects u.

Well we get affected by what goes around even if we want or not.Take women for example,no one knows what goes around in their heads.What every man wants is a woman who will understand him and who he will understand.I will tell you she will understand you but u will never understand them.

If you have the woman/man of ur dreams,hold on to them never let them go.if that happens then fuck man u r screwed for ur life.Well its strange why we use the word “man”.Its like the word “fuck” it can be as a adjective verb or noun.Its like “man that chick was hot” or ” man i had a shitty day today” or “man u will never understand”.Are us men so self centered.I always tried to be not so.But then women they dont like that either.sometimes i am like pulling my hair and asking myself what do they want, you only said you wanted me this way their i am this way and still ahhhhhhhhhh.

Well i was never good with female kind,still i am learning.Some men they are so good its like their tongue has some magic which swooshes around when they talk and women fall for them.I have many female friends, ya just friends.I am good till they become my friends and after that dont know boom i can’t handle them.We say FEMALE or WOMEN, their is always men or male in it why??? have u ever wondered.

Being a perfectly good person doesnt bring any good.Its imperfections they love.And being a ASSHOLE is a word of the town.But its not like that,if some girl is looking for one night stand she will look for someone with a smooth tongue, but that is also a skill.For me i could never do it,saw many of my friends do it.I tried my hand at that and i tell u i suck.But u cant be just someone u r not.Its either u r a asshole or u r not.Try being something u r not and u will end up with nothing.

You will always go behind the type of girls which u r suited to.If u r a relationship kinda person you will always tend to think what will be the future with the person you have met just now.You would have already made a mental note in ur mind about that person.

There will be times when you are with someone and you sleep thinking about them.Then when you wake up the last thing you remember will be the dream of the person who just got away,whom you had the deepest feelings for.Well but dont let this undermine ur hunt for the one.Because this wounds of heart will never heal.Trust me they will be there always reminding of the great fall.but this is life,this is what makes a human beings.we fall and we get up.we can make new memories.they wont cover up our old ones but they will just slide them into that dark corner which i always will be like my mail trash box.Bad memories getting deleted away every 30 days.hehe with this i end up and go to sleep.